Tuesday, May 22, 2012

"Sound Beginnings" or "Let's Play Music???"

Do you have a 4 year old?  Are you wondering where to put him/her?  Sound Beginnings or Let's Play Music?  Still have questions about Sound Beginnings?

*If they are a young 4 year old I would say try a couple semesters of Sound Beginnings first.
*If you want your child to become a musician and are ready to do the full 3 years of LPM where they learn all about music and the piano...I would say start LPM.  They will easily take up any instrument after they graduate LPM & will be very knowledgeable about the Piano.   A lot of private piano teachers, especially in Utah won't take students unless they are LPM graduates.
*If you still aren't sure about the LPM commitment but want the learning that only music exposure can bring, then sign them up for Sound Beginnings.  Not only will it be fun, it will be a great bonding experience for you and your child. It will help you get ideas for activities to do at home, music can help in all areas of their learning and Sound Beginnings will also get them ready for Kindergarten!! How cool is that!
*If your child is not yet old enough for Let's Play Music (LPM)(ages 4-6) then they will have the pleasure of going through 2 years of Sound beginnings if you'd like them too. Sound Beginnings is easy and flexible.  You sign up for a semester at a time.  Only 4 month commitments at a time. There are 4 semesters (2 each year) White Horses, Silver buttons, Black spiders & Gold Stars.  After that they will be so ready for LPM where they will start to become a musician or ready to move on with a great knowledge and lucky enough to have been apart of the music learning window, which will only help in all areas of life, including academics!
*What if I am not available to come with my child during the day?  Parent involvement is so important for Sound beginnings.  If you are unable to come to class with your child please have another adult available to come with them... dad, friend, grandparent or another relative.  Just be prepared for a lot of movement and one place you get to act like one of the children. :) This is no place for the adult to sit back and watch.  Be prepared to be involved.

Studies show that all 4 areas of the brain are lit up when learning through music!! 
What a great learning opportunity for your young child.  Best of all it's so fun and meaningful.  You get to have fun along with them through the learning process!  What a great thing!

Sound Beginnings and LPM are based on the methods from the greats: Kodaly, Orff & Dalcroze.
Kodaly revolutionized the way music was taught to children. Orff is an advocate of full body movement and learning through experience with instruments.  Dalcroze created movements that "fit" rhythms and pioneered "eurythmics," which is movement that promotes accurate rhythmic audiation and performance.

When Zoltan Kodaly was asked at what age music education should begin, he replied, "nine months before the birth of the mother."

If you have any other questions about LPM or Sound Beginnings. Please don't hesitate to contact me at musicwithangela@hotmail.com or 702-498-2480.
No matter which way you decide to get involved in this amazing music education program you will not be disappointed.  

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LPM on TV- Shelle Soelberg on why she created Let's Play Music!